Collective Excitations in Unconventional Superconductors and Superfluids

By Petr Nikitovich Brusov, Peter Brusov

Collective Excitations in Unconventional Superconductors and Superfluids
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This is the first monograph that strives to give a complete and detailed description of the collective modes (CMs) in unconventional superfluids and superconductors (UCSF&SC). Using the most powerful method of modern theoretical physics OCo the path (functional) integral technique OCo authors build the three- and two-dimensional models for s -, p - and d -wave pairing in neutral as well as in charged FermiOCosystems, models of superfluid BoseOCosystems and FermiOCoBoseOComixtures. Within these models they study the collective properties of such systems as superfluid 3 He, superfluid 4 He, superfluid 3 He- 4 He mixtures, superfluid 3 He-films, superfluid 3 He and superfluid 3 He- 4 He mixtures in aerogel, high temperature superconductors, heavy-fermion superconductors, superconducting films etc. Authors compare their results with experimental data and predict a lot of new experiments on CMs study. This opens for experimentalists new possibilities for search of new intriguing features of collective behavior of UCSF&SC. The monograph creates the new scientific direction OCo the spectroscopy of collective modes in unconventional superfluids and superconductors. It will be useful for both theorists and experimentalists, studying superfluids and superconductors, low temperature physics, condensed matter physics, solid state physics. It could be used by graduate students specializing in the same areas. Sample Chapter(s). Introduction (162 KB). Chapter 1: Functional Integration Method (369 KB). Contents: Functional Integration Method; Collective Excitations in Superfluid Fermi-Systems with s OCoPairing; Superfluid Phases in 3 He; The Model of 3 He; Collective Excitations in the B OCoPhase of 3 He; Collective Excitations in the A OCoPhase of 3 He; Stability of Goldstone Modes; Influence of Dipole Interaction and Magnetic Field on Collective Excitations; The Influence of the Electric Field on the Collective Excitations in 3 He and 4 He; The Order Parameter Distortion and Collective Modes in 3 HeOCo B; Collective Excitations in the Planar 2 D OCoPhase of Superfluid 3 He; Collective Excitations in the PolarOCoPhase; Superfluidity of TwoOCoDimensional and One-Dimensional Systems; BoseOCoSpectrum of Superfluid Solutions 3 He- 4 He; Novel Sound Phenomena in Impure Superfluids; Collective Modes in the HeavyOCoFermion Superconductors; Other Application of the Theory of Collective Excitations. Readership: Graduate and postgraduate students, researchers (theorists and experimentalists), in low temperature physics, superconductivity and condensed matter physics."

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