Providing a psychological perspective on the use and abuse of alcohol and other psychoactive drugs, this Second Edition includes more coverage of the theories of alcohol and other drug use and abuse, as well as broad conceptual issues related to the nature of addiction and recent developments in research methods.
Key Features
- Focuses on alcohol, which is used more widely than any other drug, and the one that is associated with the most societal harm
- Evaluates important studies on major issues, concepts, and theories rather than providing exhaustive literature reviews
- Teaches students to become educated consumers of research findings, rather than passive or uncritical recipients
- A Student Study Site at with chapter summaries, multiple-choice quizzes, flashcards for glossary items, an annotated list of relevant Web sites, informational QuickTime movies, and SAGE journal articles.
- A password protected Instructor's Resource Site at includes PowerPoint slides and test questions.
Intended Audience
This text is appropriate for upper-level undergraduate courses in Drugs and Behavior, Psychology of Addiction, and Drug Abuse Counseling. It can also be used in graduate-levelcourses in Drugs and Behavior and Addiction courses taught in health science, social work, criminal justice, and nursing.