If you answered "yes" to these questions, you know all too well how an abusive partner can diminish your soul. Whether you are being physically hurt or emotionally pummeled with angry words and insults, this book will offer you hope.
Bestselling novelist Catherine Lanigan forgoes her fictional heroines to bring you the personal stories of real-life heroines—women from all races, religions and walks of life, who drew upon their faith, fortitude and depth of character to break free of the abuse that left them shattered physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Each heart-rending story chronicles the tears, triumphs and challenges these women faced in their evolution from victim to victor. Their experiences extend a lite-line to all abused women by revealing how to identify a potential abuser, how to recognize when someone you love is involved in a codependent relationship, and where to go to find professional help to break the cycle of abuse.