God Speaks Your Love Language

By Gary Chapman

God Speaks Your Love Language
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Wherever you experience the love of God, it is always personal, intimate, and life changing. The key to learning and choosing love is tapping into divine love. The craving for love is our deepest emotional need, and we feel it and are drawn to others when they speak love in our language. This same principle applies to the most important relationship—our relationship with God.

Do you realize that the God of the universe speaks your love language, and your expressions of love for Him are shaped by your love language? Learn how you can give and receive God’s love through the five love languages—words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

Gary writes, "As we respond to the love of God and begin to identify the variety of languages He uses to speak to us, we soon learn to speak those languages ourselves. Whatever love language you prefer, may you find ever deeper satisfaction in using that language in your relationship with God and with other people."

Contains personal reflection questions and a study guide for groups.

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