Why We Write

By Randy Brown

Why We Write
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For military service members, veterans, and families-and all those who write about them!

Tap into PUBLISHING INSPIRATIONS, WRITING MARKETS, and CREATIVE TECHNIQUES with advice from MORE THAN 60 BEST-SELLING, ESTABLISHED, and EMERGING AUTHORS of military, national security, and war topics!

Whether you're writing military-themed genre fiction or literary non-fiction, strategy or policy analysis, history or journalism, or even modern war poetry, Why We Write: Craft Essays on Writing War puts an arsenal of innovation and expertise at your fingertips!

Choose your weapons: Podcasts! Memoirs! Novels! Book reviews! Short stories! Op-Ed essays! And more!

Entertaining, informal, and accessible, this first-ever Military Writers Guild-sponsored anthology is ideal for:

  • Individual creatives and scholars
  • Writing workshops
  • Classroom discussions of war literature, literary history, and popular culture
  • Professional development forums

Contributors include such leading authors as:

  • Phil Klay (Redeployment)
  • Vanya Eftimova Bellinger (Marie von Clausewitz: The Woman Behind the Making of "On War")
  • David Abrams (Fobbit and Brave Deeds)
  • Alex Finley (Victor in the Rubble and Victor in the Jungle)
  • Gayle Tzemach Lemmon (Ashley's War and The Dressmaker of Khair Khana)
  • Thomas E. Ricks (Churchill & Orwell: The Fight for Freedom; The Generals; Fiasco; The Gamble)
  • Kate Germano (Fight Like a Girl: The Truth Behind How Female Marines are Trained)
  • Peter Van Buren (We Meant Well and Hooper's War)
  • Kori Schake (Safe Passage; Warriors and Citizens)
  • Max Brooks (World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War)
  • Jessica Scott (The Coming Home; Falling; and Homefront romance series)
  • Carmen Gentile (Blindsided by the Taliban: A Journalist's Story of War, Trauma, Love, and Loss)
  • Hugh Martin (In Country; Stick Soldiers; and So, How Was the War?)
  • Robert L. Bateman (No Gun Ri: A Military History of the Korean War Incident and Digital War: A View from the Front Lines)
  • P.W. Singer & August Cole (Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War)

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