Here is the book for everyone who has ever thought, "I want to read the Bible, but I don't know where or how to begin."
Although the Bible is the best selling book of all time, few people actually read the Bible,and even fewer understand the meaning of what they read.
This book is written to help those who want to read the Bible, but have not been able to continue. The reason for this failure, says Dr. Braun, is that the Bible is a very difficult book, and few people have had anyone to help them get started.
Here is help for all who are interested in reading the Bible in a way that is not only personally enriching but also intellectually honest. It makes pointed recommendations on what kind of Bible you should be reading, and what other helps exist to make reading a difficult book easier. This book tells you where to begin, and what you need to read and what you don't to get started. It also points out the different kinds of writings found in the Bibles sixty-six books, and how to read and interpret each of them.
For all who have said, "I've tried to read the Bible, but got lost somewhere between the censuses of Numbers and the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy," here is what you need to know so you can try it again—and this time succeed.