Part 1. Approach and General Equations
1. Towards a Unified Description of Multiphase Flows.
2. Instant Equations for a Piecewise Continuous Medium.
3. Description of a “Mean Multiphase Medium”.
4. Equations for the Mean Continuous Medium.
Part 2. Modeling: A Single Approach Adaptable to Multiple Applications
5. The Modeling of Interphase Exchanges.
6. Modeling Turbulent Dispersion Fluxes.
7. Modeling the Mean Gas–Liquid Interface Area per Unit Volume.
8. “Large Eddy Simulation” Style Models.
9. Contribution of Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes.
10. Experimental Methods.
11. Some Experimental Results Pertaining to Multiphase Flow Properties that Are Still Little Understood.
Part 3. From Fluidized Beds to Granular Media
12. Fluidized Beds.
13. Generalizations for Granular Media.
14. Modeling of Cauchy Tensor of Sliding Contacts.
15. Modeling the Kinetic Cauchy Stress Tensor.
Part 4. Studying Fluctuations and Probability Densities
16. Fluctuations of the Gas Phase in Reactive Two-Phase Media.
17. Temperature Fluctuations in Condensed Phases.
18. Study of the PDF for Velocity Fluctuations and Sizes of Parcels.
About the Authors
Roland Borghi is Professor Emeritus at Ecole Centrale Marseille in France and works as a consultant in the space, petrol and automobile sectors. His research activities cover fluid mechanics, combustion and flames, and multi-phase and granular flows. He was a member of the CNRS scientific committee and a laureate of the French Academy of Science.
Fabien Anselmet is Professor at Ecole Centrale Marseille in France. His research activities focus on the turbulence of fluids and its varied applications in industry and in fields linked to the environment.