Did you know the best leaders choose to be naive?More and more employees, customers, and business leaders agree that
how and
why money is made is increasingly as important as
how much money is made.
In Joshua Berry’s
Dare to Be Naive: Unleash Ripples of Impact in Life and Business, you’ll
how to generate a positive Return on Investment
and profound Ripples of Impact – as well as:
- Question why we fear naiveté and how to harness positive attributes like curiosity, trust and optimism.
- Understand why doing good in business is actually good for business via real-world examples of successful organizations.
- Evolve your limiting beliefs to achieve less stress, more success, and greater impact in your work and personal life.
- Gain practical exercises to put your new ideas and beliefs into action with a renewed passion for seeing the good in people and business.
Here is the guide to using your influence to cultivate a better world. Can you envision all of that good in business and people? If so, let’s
Dare to Be Naive. Find out more at DareToBeNaive.com