The Law of Expert Evidence in Ireland

By Mark Tottenham

The Law of Expert Evidence in Ireland
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The Law of Expert Evidence in Ireland provides an introduction to expert witness evidence, aimed at both lawyers and potential expert witnesses. The book outlines the Irish rules of court concerning expert evidence in different types of hearing, as well as the up-to-date case law in Ireland and other common law countries concerning expert witnesses. It examines the risks to expert witnesses who do not comply with the court's requirements. It provides a comprehensive overview of the both the civil and criminal Irish legal system, different types of quasi-judicial tribunals and arbitration/mediation procedures.

It explains who can be an expert witness, the scope of evidence given by expert witnesses and the function and duty of expert witnesses. A key part of the book examines the role of the expert in a pre trial context, including report writing, as well as the expert giving evidence in court. The book then examines experts in various contexts, e.g. in the commercial court, in a criminal trial, medical experts, engineering experts, in a local authority context and family law. It provides coverage on the expert witness in the context of the legal system, as well as the limits of evidence that can be given. It gives practical advice concerning the preparation of expert reports, attending consultations and meetings between experts, as well as preparing to give oral evidence.

This title is included in Bloomsbury Professional's Irish Civil Litigation online service.

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