Now here's a golf book with lots of muscle. This small, tongue-in-cheek volume takes the "new golf" popularity represented by Tiger Woods and John Daly and shoots it way over the top. Sure to be a hit with guys who play the game for fun, Manly Golf will also give them plenty of ideas to keep them one-upping their regular foursome.For example, Tip #1 suggests golfers get plenty of manly tattoos. This will add four strokes to each distracted opponent's score because they will be busy reading your painted body instead of the green. Other ideas? Demonstrate golfing manliness by wearing the Austin Powers-approved "chest rug." Install a gun rack in your cart to cradle your driver.A sequel to Golf Dirty Tricks, Manly Golf gives golfers lots of ways to shock, impress, and beat opponents. The book comes with manly tattoos (temporary), just to get them started.