The Colorado River Documents, 2008

By Katherine Ott Verburg

The Colorado River Documents, 2008
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The Colorado River Documents 2008
discusses the history of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation s operation and management of the Colorado River on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior from 1979 through 2008.The book updates a series of Colorado River volumes published by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation in 1933, 1948, and 1978.Similar to the previous volumes, the new 2008 volume details the political, legal, institutional, and other instruments developed to address pressing issues faced by Colorado River Basin water users and managers.Reflective of its era, the 2008 volume has an increased focus on coordinated operations of the river in both the Upper and Lower Basins, on environmental matters, on the relationship with Mexico, and on Native American water settlements.Each book includes a DVD which contains the first three volumes, the 2008 volume, and source documents.

This multimedia reference may be helpful to Colorado state planners, especially water management and watershedpersonnel. Additionally university students pursuing coursework in undergraduate and graduate courses for water resources engineering, water resources policy and management, water resources science, forest engineering, resources, and management, crop and social science, chemical, biolgoical, envionmental, and ecologocial engineering may also be interested in this multimedia reference.

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