Do You Wannabe a Model?

By Jeanne Frith, Tiffany Stanford

Do You Wannabe a Model?
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 Are you interested in becoming a model? 

Have a passion for fashion? 

Not sure where to start?

This book is your first step to a career in modelling. It is packed with excellent
in-depth information about this exciting job and will provide you with everything you need to know to reach your full potential.

Grab the key to modelling success

This book is packed with vital knowledge for the ambitious model, including portfolio guidance, agency information, fashion, promotion and exhibition modelling, part modelling and  photography work. The book is illustrated in colour throughout.

Learn about skin types, make-up, diet and exercise, specialist clothing, model books, go-sees, tests, showreels and the scams to avoid. 

Do You Wannabe a Model? will give you the key to unlock the secret to your success in modelling.

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