The Colour of Love is a wonderful and delightful story.
It is more than just the coming together of our two young lovers, Yosef, and Lisa, but the coming together of an entire Multicultural community. Yosef and Lisa are the two catalysts that 'Bridge the Gap' and show their families, friends and neighbors the true meaning of 'real love'. From its graphic beginning to its climatic ending, The Colour of Love will cause the reader to look carefully into the deepness of their own soul to perhaps see if there are any underlying prejudices that are still unresolved. Prayerfully this story will help the reader to resolve these issues, and see healing as the end result. The Colour of Love with its mixture of Afro-American and Jewish culture combined with its wonderful blend of humor, and sensuality, intrigue and mystery. And the supernatural. All interwoven to weave a tapestry of Love, Hope and Faith. Let its pages take you on a journey of all of the above. The Colour of Love will cause your faith to soar from one level of faith to the next. See the workings of God as He works miracle after miracle, see Yosef and Lisa bring an entire community together. See and feel the heat, the passion of their love! The Colour of Love is more than just a story, its an EXPERIENCE! So get ready to fall in love in a new way, as you savor the pages of The Colour of Love.
The Colour of Love is a very powerful and necessary book dealing with the healing of Racism. Throughout the story, I recommend that everyone should read every single word of this book! It will challenge your beliefs, and change your life! It has already blessed me both spiritually and mentally in ways that I cannot find words for. I felt a most tremendous joy release as I finished reading every page of it. I know from personal experience the awesome relationship that Anne has with God, and it has brought me closer to Him as well. This book helped me and it will surely help you too! All other readers already have complimented Anne on how her Novel has helped them to re-examine themselves, and has brought healing to many. Please make note of that one point that says, "True love sees no colour...No colour at all." God sees me the same as he sees you or any other person. Notice her opening Scripture from I Samuel 16:7. That should be more than enough to cause us to realize that Love is not of the skin, but of the heart. He looks at the heart of a person, and not their outer appearance.
One Chapter that touched my heart so deeply is when Lisa (who is Anne mind you) prayed for Yosef's father Rabbi Epstein in the hospital. And the results were miraculous! I just want to say in closing that, I commend Anne on her labor of Love for God, and allowing Him to use her to write such a very much needed story. Anne may God continue to bless you in all that you do for Him, and His Kingdome. God bless you richly dear. Your sister in Christ.
Evang. Jarry Turner.