Did you know the First Church of Acts is actually the original Emerging Church?
Experience first hand the calling and mission God has on the church as you read The Dust Off Their Feet-a life-changing retelling of the Book of Acts!Pastor and accomplished author Brian McLaren has teamed with Bible scholars and theologians to recapture the passion, power, struggles, and beauty of Luke's supernatural action-adventure. Fellow-author Chris Seay further enriches this story of the first emerging church with intriguing and applicable background into its history and teachings.
Join Brian, Chris, and a group of eight scholars and pastors to hear their fresh challenges to today's emerging church-messages of guidance and encouragement for spreading the good news in our world.
The second book in The Voice Scripture project,
The Dust Off Their Feet is a foundational read for all Christians, but particularly those of today's Emergent Church movement.
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