The Standards-based Administrative Internship

By Donald G. Hackmann, Donna M. Schmitt-Oliver, Jaclynn C. Tracy

The Standards-based Administrative Internship
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As an applied field, educational administration must be learned through experiencing its myriad tasks and challenges. Whether you are the mentor or the intern, you will find a wealth of helpful information and guidance about designing field experiences for individuals who are involved in the clinical preparation of aspiring principals and superintendents. The authors argue for a high-quality internship or mentoring experience and for basing experiences around the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) research-based framework. Chapters provide a detailed description of the key administrative responsibilities inherent in each standard. Additionally, it will assist mentors in understanding their vital roles in ensuring a high-quality learning experience. Suggested readings and Web sites are listed at the conclusion of each standard and sample forms to help structure the field experience are also provided.