Physical Geography (Lithosphere)
1. Introduction to Geography (Definition, Nature and Scope of Physical Geography and Relation of Physical Geography with other Branches of Earth Sciences), 2. The Earth and Its Planetary Relations, 3. Age of the Earth and Geological Time Scale, 4. Solar System and Important Hypothesis Related to Origin of the Earth, 5. Interior of the Earth, 6. Continental Drift Theory of Wegner, 7. Plate Tectonics, 8. Earth Movements : Folds and Faults, 9. Theories of Isostasy, 10. Earthquakes, 11. Volcanoes, 12. Rocks : Origin, Types and Composition, 13. Weathering, 14. Geomorphic Agents and Processes and Mass Wasting, 15. Evolution of Landscapes, 16. Concept of Cycle of Erosion, Views of Davis and Penck, 17. Fluvial Landforms, 18. Arid Landforms, 19. Glacial Landforms, 20. Karst Landforms, 21. Coastal Landforms, 22. Application of Geomorphology to Human Activities or Applied Geomorphology,
Introduction to Geography and Human Geography
1. Human Geography : Meaning, Definitions, Objectives, Nature, Subject-Matter and Branches, 2. Development of Human Geography and Interrelationship of Human Geography with other Social Sciences, 3. Man and Environment Relationship, 4. Determinism, Possibilism, Neo-Determinism and Probabilism, 5. Dualism in Geography, 6. Human Adaptation to the Environment, 7. Population Growth in the World, 8. Distribution and Density of Population, 9. Migration of Population, 10. Global Population-Resource Relationship : Over Under and Optimum Population, 11. Rural Settlements, 12. Urban Settlements,
(Practical Geography)
1. Scale, 2. Enlargement and Reduction of Maps, 3. Methods of Showing Relief, 4. Relief Representation by Contour, 5. Representation of Statistical Data, 6. Surveying : Basic Principles and Types of Surveying, 7. Chain and Type Survey.