Hymnic Affirmation of Divine Justice

By James L. Crenshaw

Hymnic Affirmation of Divine Justice
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A history of the interpretation of the doxologies within their contexts : Arguments for interpolation ; The doxologies and their immediate contexts ; Elevated theology within the doxologies ; Philologial considerations ; The doxology in the Septuagint at Hosea 13:4 ; Summary ; The purpose for inserting the doxologies ; Reasons for the doxologies' presence ; Assessment of theories about the doxologies' purpose ; Amos' use of cultic materials -- The text : Various strophic arrangements of the doxologies : Observations about the vocabulary of the doxologies ; Terminology for creation ; Difficult words and phrases ; A strophic reconstruction and translation -- The life setting of the doxologies : The refrain "Yahweh (the god) of hosts is his name" ; Use of the refrain in Amos and Hosea ; Deutero-Isaiah's use of the refrain ; The refrain in the book of Jeremiah ; "Yahweh is his name" ; Conclusion ; Different forms of the refrain ; The refrain's function: Combatting false oath's ; Swearing by deities other than Yahweh ; The prophetic response ; Cultic prayers -- Exposition of the doxologies in their contexts : Amos 4:13 ; Amos 5:8-9 ; Amos 9:5-6

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