In simple projects, time can be managed intuitively by any reasonably competent person, but complex projects cannot and a more analytical approach is necessary if the project is to succeed. Although much has been written about how to apportion liability for delay after a project has gone wrong there was, until recently, no guidance on how to manage time pro-actively and effectively on complex projects.
In 2008, the CIOB embarked upon a 5-year strategy to provide standards, education, training and accreditation in time management. The first stage, this Guide to Good Practice in Managing Time in Complex Projects, sets down the process and standards to be achieved in preparing and managing the time model.
As a handbook for practitioners it uses logical step by step procedures and examples from inception and risk appraisal, through design and construction to testing and commissioning, to show how an effective and dynamic time model can be used to manage the risk of delay to completion of construction projects.