Everything God has done and will do is extravagant and has great purpose. All His actions have a planned objective, even the breath He breathes and the gifts He gives. God the Father breathed granting life to the created man. God the Son breathed, and man now supernaturally received the infilling of the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit breathed fulfilling the promise of God’s manifested power and presence upon and in believers. When the Godhead breathes it brings life, salvation, and power. God breathing illuminates the purpose and giftings given to His creation. The trinity Godhead distributes gifts and endowments to the believer for the growth and increase of the body of Christ. The attributes and gifts of the Godhead are purposed and given to benefit the body while empowering each believer to be more than conquerors. When God Breathes details the design and purpose for each of the Godhead breathing and describes the gifts given by each. The supernatural gifts of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.