One of the Greatest Persian Classic Book
عارفان که جام حق نوشیدهاند
هر کرا اسرار کار آموختند
Gnostics, who have drunk of the cup of God
have known the mysteries and kept them hidden.
Whosoever has been taught the mysteries of the (Divine) action
his lips are sealed and closed.
Mathnawi Maˈnavi (also known as Masnavi or “Spiritual Couplets of Maulana”) is one of the most influential works of both Sufism and Persian literature. The Masnavi, written by Jalal al-Din Muhammad, Rumi is a series of six books of poetry containing more than 25,000 verses. This spiritual writing teaches Sufis how to reach their goal of being in true love with God.
Rumi is one of the best Persian poets and the Mathnawi is his masterpiece. Rumi used Persian and Arabic in his poetry. By the end of the 20th century, Rumi’s popularity had become a global phenomenon, with his poetry achieving a wide circulation in the United States and western Europe.
His poems have been translated into many different languages including Turkish, Urdu, French, Turkmen, Spanish, English, Arabic, German, Italian, Albanian, Swedish, etc.
Reynold Alleyne Nicholson's translation of Mathnawi is based on the oldest known manuscripts. The prose translation, similarly, is intended to be an exact and faithful guide to the Persian.
In Book, the fifth of six volumes, it is the work of an eternal mystic who has seen the truth, and the ultimate certainty is Love and the Beloved. He speaks to seekers of every era.
We are very happy that the Mathnawi Maˈnavi of Rumi has found its way to you!
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Persian Learning Center