Domination and Emancipation


Domination and Emancipation
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A melancholy defeatism has become a hallmark of critical thought and leftist politics. A consequence of this has been an exaggerated focus on domination among critical theorists, leaving emancipation--along with questions of political organization and strategy--undertheorized at best, or disregarded as delusional, at worst. If emancipation still plays a role in critical reflection, it is most often in a "domesticated" form, made into a bedfellow of centrist liberalism.

Recent events necessitate a different outlook, especially since the financial collapse of 2008 and the myriad movements--emancipatory as much as reactionary--it has spawned throughout the world. Through a series of dialogues and reflections by leading thinkers, scholars, and activists, Domination and Emancipation: Remaking Critique seeks to rebuild the emancipatory pole of critique and bring forward theoretical work that is in step with the struggles and aspirations of the moment.

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