SUNSHINE UPRISING is a coming-of-age story of a Twenty-Eight year-old, lonely and anxiety-filled woman, PEG PATTERSON, who is living on the Florida Space Coast in the fictional beach town of Cape Atlantic.
Peg finally finishes college to fulfill her dream of teaching fourth graders as she fights her anxiety by using the power of the Ocean to gain peace from her childhood and get reconnected to her hippie parents in their late sixties.
She attends town meetings religiously and falls for charismatic City Mayor Jackie Calvanese, who has plans and ambition to run for State Senate in 2024 and then the Governorship in 2026.
Peg gets involved in this POLITICAL THRILLER of the ascendancy of a small town, wealthy mayor for control of Florida, as she gains confidence from her career, and finds two friends to weather the storm of the political UPRISING coming to the SUNSHINE State.
SUNSHINE UPRISING is the fourth Novel by P E Fischetti since 2013. See for more details.