We realised that this book will create a lot of excitement, and challenge, joy, and happiness among all of us. Challenging consensus is never easy. This is because the system will try to maintain the status quo by any means necessary in any situation, of any type. After years of experience in the field of Management, Nursing, and Research we feel the need to share our knowledge, analysis, and conclusions. We hope it ignites a discussion that could lead to major cultural changes and shopping cart overhauls. The beneficiaries will be all of us – ourselves, our students, our loved ones, and society at large – living healthier and longer.
Management research is challenging, exciting, engaging, and rewarding. The main idea of editing/writing this book is to help students from different fields and prepare and motivate them for more research. The purpose of writing this book was to make research more interesting for all students in different fields. It differs in approach and content from all other interdisciplinary textbooks. It will contain the work of all aspiring students of undergraduate, Postgraduate, and doctoral Research (M.Phil. and Ph.D.). It will help the research scholars to publish their original research work in an ISBN book.
Futuristic Research and Innovation in Nursing, Humanities, and Management provides information to all students about research findings and provides new information to develop new foundations for the research profession.