This text offers a contemporary, refreshing approach to traditional coverage of study skills. Concepts and strategies are presented in a context that helps you understand the broader, real-world applications for well-developed study skills. The premise of this book is that strong academic skills form the foundation necessary for your success in our competitive, global economy.
"This book offers knowledge and skills that build self-management, a positive work ethic, and leadership qualities: "
- Identifying and using your preferred learning styles
- Goal setting
- Time management
- Flexibility in the face of change
- Ways to reduce stress
- Strategic thinking
"You will develop skills that help you fulfill your goals in school and, ultimately, in your career: "
- Reading speed and comprehension
- Internet research skills
- Vocabulary skills
- Writing skills
- Math, science, and technology skills
"Unique features that underscore relevancy: "
- Vocabulary exercises featuring words from current media excerpts
- Chapter summaries in a map format to stimulate visual learning
- A text-wide focus on how your study skills will help you on the job
"Keys to College Studying" has its own companion website designed to help students review the text material and hone their computer skills. This site (accessed through resides within the Prentice Hall supersite ( for student success and career development. The supersite houses a wide array of resources for students seeking academic and career success.