This remarkably authoritative new book presents a complete overview of reproductive endocrinology, infertility, assisted reproduction, and in vitro fertilization. It encompasses the full range of scientific and clinical advances in the field, from the development of the world's first "test tube" baby to the assisted reproductive technologues which now allow human conception to occur in otherwise hopeless cases of infertility.
The senior author is the world's preeminent scientist in human embryology and assisted reproduction. He was the first scientist in history to achieve in vitro fertilization of a human egg, and pioneered this subspecialty of medical and scientific practice.
Discusses clinical methods for treating both infertile men and infertile women comprehensively, preparing readers to handle even the most complicated clinical disorders affecting infertile couples.Covers the evaluation, processing, and preparation of sperm samples for assisted reproduction.
Details the latest techniques for inducing ovulation, obtaining oocytes, and evaluating and preparing them for fertilization.Presents state-of-the-art techniques in genetic analysis and immunologic assays, as well as the latest micromanipulation techniques. Discusses the detection of genetic problems prior to implantation.
Provides guidance in the evaluation of pregnancies following assisted reproduction, and explains the statistics of assisted reproduction and success rates.