Madhukar Hiregange's A Practical Guide to GST Audits and Certification

By CA Madhukar Hiregange, Shri B.S.V. Murthy, CA Mahadev. R, CA Ravi Kumar Somani

Madhukar Hiregange's A Practical Guide to GST Audits and Certification
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About the Book
The fourth edition of this book has been written with a perspective to enable the taxpayers to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of GST. The vast experience of the four authors in consulting, adjudicating, judging and implementation of indirect taxes would immensely help the professionals implement GST provisions and conduct of audit in an easier way while providing value to their clients/employers.
The book is divided into 5 parts as follows:
Part 1 – Overview of GST law and insights on good accounting practices and professional opportunities from the perspective of GST Audit.
Part 2 – Background of the Annual Returns, role of professionals and a detailed clause by clause analysis with Practical FAQ's for filing the Annual Returns in Form GSTR 9.
Part 3 - Background of the GST Audit, role of professionals and a detailed clause by clause analysis with Practical FAQ's for filing the Reconciliation statement in Form GSTR 9C.
Part 4 – Checklists, Formats,FCQ's, Templates and Practical Methodology of conducting GST Audit [verification of documents/transactions after evaluation of internal control, reconciliations with tips to mitigate demand, common errors to avoid].
Part 5 – Customs Audit, year-end action points for taxpayers, other GST Certifications and Departmental Audit.
Appendices containing the gist of important notifications, guidance notes, standards, forms of audit under GST, and important templates for ready reference of professionals.

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