In The Youth Corridor, the celebrated surgeon offers the first organized system to help readers live agelessly without the aid of invasive procedures.The revolutionary program presented in The Youth Corridor is structured around what Dr. Imber calls the "Youth Corridor"--the twenty-five year period in which physical changes can best be managed and controlled. According to Imber, it is between the ages of 30 and 55 that much can be done to keep one virtually unchanged. The Youth Corridor presents specific routines designed for each age group which will allow readers to tap into the extraordinary potential of this 25 year period. The youngest reader will learn the latest and most effective routines to prevent aging, while more mature readers will learn how to undo the damage already done and adopt new strategies to control and reverse the signs of aging. Along the way, Dr. Imber, describes the biology behind the aging process, in easy-to-understand terms so readers feel informed and ready to act.