Barry Brown’s mother wished for a different child. Red, unruly hair! A stammer! Non-stop fidgeting! A weird birthmark! To add to all her woes, the silly boy cherished a ridiculous desire to learn magic! She couldn't remember how Mr Foggitt, a most unusual teacher of the real arcane magick arts, encountered in a dusty old shop in London, had persuaded her to allow Barry to have lessons.
Barry loved Mr Foggitt’s weaving of wondrous tales of Magius, the greatest of all wizards; and the man who became a bear; and the mysterious Dual Veil, a great wall of mist that separated the human world from Elfenndorr, the world inhabited by marvellous and scary things that humans thought were mere fantasies. Little did Barry know that when Gwyddon, Mr Foggitt’s flame-red owl, flew away, she had delivered a message to Teag-of-the-Laurel (elf lord of Tylwyth Teg, a district of Elfenndorr): The dragon stirs in the long-awaited boy, and the girl we have yet to find.
Barry soon discovered that all those tales told by Mr Foggitt were true. Along with school-friend, Maybellyne, he was a child of prophecy destined to travel through the mists of the Dual Veil into Elfenndorr. Only he and Maybellyne could stop Dredammorg, the darkest of all wizards, from melting the glue that holds the worlds together.