Serious Mental Illness and the Family

By Diane T. Marsh

Serious Mental Illness and the Family
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Praise for Serious Mental Illness and the Family "Serious Mental Illness and the Family is unique in building assessment, intervention, and collaborative strategies around specific types of clinical cases and life scenarios. The book will be an invaluable aid to mental health professionals working with severely ill clients and their families." --Harriet P. Lefley, PhD Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Miami School of Medicine "Dr. Marsh is very knowledgeable about families, yet is also very compassionate in her approach to the experience of families who are frequently traumatized by a mental illness in a family member. Professionals who work with families of people with mental illness will find [this] book extremely helpful in their work..a rich source of information." --LeRoy Spaniol, PhD Executive Publisher, The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal "Dr. Diane Marsh has given the mental health field yet another brilliant resource..any psychiatric service provider can pick up this book and immediately find useful strategies for commonly occurring communication difficulties in both the initial interview and ongoing therapeutic interactions." --Mary D. Moller, MSN, ARNP, CS CEO, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Nurses, Inc. "[A] timely and important work.enriched with dozens of case vignettes, useful strategies, and profound insight. The writing is crystal clear, approachable, and engaging with satisfying depth and detail. Dr. Marsh is able to translate contemporary family theory content and new ideas into meaningful principles of practice for helping the spouses and partners, children, siblings, and other family members of people with severe mental illness." --Kia J. Bentley, PhD, LCSW Associate Professor, School of Social Work Virginia Commonwealth University

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