Announcing a better source for dependable answers in your fast-paced field! This new reference, edited by James G. Adams, MD, presents the right kind of know-how - the right way - so you can get what you need and move on. You'll have just enough background to understand each problem without getting bogged down ... expert decision-making assistance, with evidence where available ... and a user-friendly format that delivers high-yield guidance in instants, both in print and online!
- Features chapters on Complication of Gynecologic Procedures in Abortion, and Assisted Reproductive Technology and Complications of Bariatric Surgery to address the increasing number of patients you see with these complications.
- Basic science coverage is just detailed enough so you can understand every problem quickly, without being overwhelmed.
- A focus on the most common differential diagnoses helps you to "think horses, not zebras."
- Clinical recommendations are founded upon sound evidentiary guidelines, wherever available, to assist you in implementing evidence-based practices.
- Brief, clear chapters, written to consistent, highly practical templates, enable you to get the knowledge you need as efficiently as you need it.
- Prominent text boxes emphasize priority actions, facts and formulas, documentation, patient teaching, and tips and tricks, so you can apply actionable information easily.
- More than 500 full-color clinical photographs let you see emergent conditions as they present in real life.
- Full-text online access allows you to perform quick searches, tap into regular updates, and download illustrations. It's a perfect way to get instant answers in your busy emergency department.