This is startling when research shows that more than fifty percent of the vegetables in most people's diets consists of the trimmings on a hamburger and a side of fries.
The Brain Diet Revised explains the connection between diet and mental health, as well as its importance for realizing the full potential of our intelligence. It shows how poor nutrition hinders the development of our children's intelligence and how it adversely affects mental health and success.
Despite being just two percent of total adult weight, the human brain demands an enormous amount of energy. An ample flow of blood is required for us to think, to reason, to create art and music, to develop technology, and to perform complex work. The Brain Diet Revised explains the science behind how our brains function, it also provides suggestions for a healthy diet.
Included in this essential book: The basics of a brain-healthy diet Brain-healthy recipes Helpful charts Food supplements that enhance our mental function - and how those supplements work
This revolutionary new way of looking at mental health and intelligence gives new meaning to the adage "You are what you eat."