The Woman
From Obscurity to the Wings of Change
This book is all about the woman. God created the woman when he saw and said, “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God was not satisfied, at a stage, with the performances of Adam alone in the garden of Eden. God therefore created the woman for fruitfulness and to unveil hidden knowledge, wisdom, and procreation in fulfillment of God’s blessings and wishes for his creation on earth.
The men on earth became jealous and suspicious of the woman because of her nature and qualities. The early religious leaders, family heads, the community leaders, authors and Bible writers, the governments in the Middle East, and society in general made laws and culture aimed at demeaning and downplaying the woman’s qualities and contributions. They veiled the woman to obscurity in the land.
Centuries later, women passed through changes toward emancipation as a result of pressure by feminist groups, government and civil society agencies in developed and civilized countries who made legislations and edicts prohibiting discrimination and gender inequality laws against women. Several women and men organizations in cooperation with government-initiated activities and made laws aimed at abolishing all kinds of gender discrimination in their nations.
As a result of these laws, women became not just educated, but they became educators in various fields of science and technology. Highflier women became professors, doctors, engineers, pilots, political leaders, heads of states, and industrial leaders in their nations.
Today’s women are on the wings of change. They now compete with men all over the world. Women are becoming more equal to men than expected. Many men are confused and are looking up to the women highfliers for direction.