Resource Allocation in Project Management

By Christoph Schwindt

Resource Allocation in Project Management
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This monograph grew out of my research in the ficld of resourcc-constraincd project scheduling conducted from 1995 to 2004 during my work as teaching assistant and assistant professor at the Institute for Economic Theory and Operations Research of thc Univcrsity of Karlsruhe. The aim of the book is to givc an introduction to quantitative concepts and methods for resource allocation in project managcmcnt with an cmphasis on an ordcr-theoretic framework allowing for a unifying treatment of various problem types. In order to make the work accessible for general readers, the basic concepts nccded arc rcviewed in introductory scctions of the book. Many pcople have contributed to the outcome of this research. First and foremost, I would like to express my deep appreciation to my supervisor P- fessor Klaus Ncumann, who introduced me to the field and the community of project schcduling. I have greatly benefited from his comprehensive sci- tific knowlcdgc and expertise, his continuous encouragement, and his support. During all these years, his departmcnt has bcen a stimulating and attractive place for doing research and teaching in Operations Rcsearch.

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