My job makes me a constant traveler . Because of this job I was able to travel most part of the world for free. I have been a steward , This is me , talking to you on my recorded message . Today will be a special ferried flight
I am going to recount one of my scariest memory, and what you are about to read is something that still bothers me up to this day. The following events happens 10 years ago when I was sixteen years old.
Before we begin, I would like you to buy this book ...
This special collection includes :
1. 4th Floor
2. Old Changi Hospital
3. Sixth Sense
4. How to Embalm a Corpse
5. Women in Red
6. Frightmare
7. Know the Mystic Truth
8. Secrets of the Chinese Lunar Calendar
9. Saved by a Ghost
10. Dreams and Out of Body experience
11. Killer Clown
12. Turnaround
and many more creepy stories to keep you up at night