At middle age, you are only half finished with God's plan for you! All the hard lessons you learned in the first half of your life serve as a springboard for the fulfillment of your dreams in the second half! Is middle age the beginning of the end or the beginning of the better half of life? Author Patricia King debunks the myths that are constantly thrown by the media that only the youthful are relevant in the world. ...I was soon turning 40 years of age and I had already fulfilled all my life's goals and dreams. But where should I go from here? Is there anything left to experience? I dreaded waking up the morning of my 40th birthday. But when I realized that half of my life was yet to be lived, I determined that it would be the best half!
Life does not end at 40, 60, or 80 it flourishes and gains momentum as you recognize the destiny God designed for all of your days. Start today living the better half of life!