Colección de ensayos críticos de obras literarias norteamericanas firmadas por escritores exiliados y emigrantes, o por sus descendientes, ya nacidos en EE.UU., de origen cubano, mexicano, puertorriqueño, dominicano, asiático, afrocaribeño y europeo. Las obras literarias que se analizan fueron publicadas después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, si bien se han incluido otras anteriores por ser antecedentes de esta literatura de diversas diásporas.
The volume is a collection of critical essays on North American literary works produced by immigrant and exiled writers or American-born descendants of Cuban. Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Asian, European, and Afro-Caribbean origin. These literary works were published after the Second World War even though some earlier works have been included as antecedents of these literatures of diasporas. They create an amalgam of what being an American means in contemporary society.