Turn your dream life into reality—through the power of your dreams!
It’s time to wake up to the life of your dreams.
Dreamifesting is a revolutionary approach to manifesting that goes beyond visualizations and affirmations to unlock the hidden power of the subconscious mind that can turn dreams into reality.
Through decades of research, dream expert and author Kelly Sullivan Walden noticed that when you pay attention to the wisdom and guidance of your nighttime dreams, you bridge the gap between the conscious and unconscious to create a whole-brained, whole-soul experience.
Combining the motivational manifestation techniques and metaphysical spirituality with straightforward instructions, Dreamifesting offers a 12-week program to teach readers how to steer the dreaming mind to do the heavy lifting of realizing their dream life.
Using this revolutionary method, readers will learn to:
- Program their subconscious mind to accept, as natural, the target of their desires.
- Bride the power of their dreams into the practical reality of their daily lives.
- Turn deep-seated, limiting beliefs into limitless possibilities.
- Harness the power of the subconscious, dreaming mind to reveal resources previously undetected by their conscious mind.
Discover your authentic, soulful desires and create a life inspired by your wildest dreams, filled with the passion and purpose to become the best version of yourself.