Fluency with Information Technology

By Lawrence Snyder

Fluency with Information Technology
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Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, Third Edition,equips readers who are already familiar with computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web with a deeper understanding of the broad capabilities of technology. Becoming Skilled at Information Technology:Terms of Endearment: Defining Information Technology; What the Digerati Know: Exploring the Human–Computer Interface; Making the Connection: The Basics of Networking; Marking Up with HTML: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer; Searching for Truth: Locating Information on the WWW; Searching for Guinea Pig B: Case Study in Online Research.Algorithms and Digitizing Information:To Err Is Human: An Introduction to Debugging; Bits and the "Why" of Bytes: Representing Information Digitally; Following Instructions: Principles of Computer Operation; What's the Plan? Algorithmic Thinking; Light, Sound, Magic: Representing Multimedia Digitally.Data and Information:Computers in Polite Society: Social Implications of IT; Shhh, It's a Secret: Privacy and Digital Security; Fill-in-the-Blank Computing: Basics of Spreadsheets; ‘What If’ Thinking Helps: Advanced Spreadsheets for Planning; A Table with a View: Database Queries; iDiary: A Case Study in Database Design.Problem Solving:Get with the Program: Fundamental Concepts Expressed in JavaScript; The Bean Counter: A JavaScript Program; Thinking Big: Programming Functions; Once Is Not Enough: Iteration Principles; The Smooth Motion: Case Study in Algorithmic Problem Solving; Computers Can Do Almost {Everything, Nothing}: Limits to Computation; A Fluency Summary: Click to Close. For all readers interested in computers, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and a deeper understanding of the broad capabilities of technology.

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