Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET for Scientists and Engineers

By Christopher M. Frenz

Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET for Scientists and Engineers
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IF YOU ARE A NOVICE PROGRAMMER, this book iS designed for you. The text begins with an overview of the Visual Basic development environment, its important charac teristics, and how the environment can be manipulated to suit your needs. Next, a discussion of forms and their uses ensues. This discussion is followed by cover age of the Visual Basic controls, which are most essential to scientific program ming. You then learn how to put controls to work by making use of the different control events. Once this introductory material has been covered, I show you the different data types that Visual Basic supports, with extra attention being paid to the vari ous numerical data types and their uses. At this point the true heart and soul of the book begins, as you begin to gain insights into the various operators that can be used to manipulate these data types. You get an in-depth look at numerical and logical operators, and their order of operations are clearly spelled out.

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