Magi's Christmas

By Noel Thornley

Magi's Christmas
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You have no idea who the Wisemen were. . .until now! Step with me into the realms of truth and imagination to see the Christ Child in an exquisite new light and discover the story of the Saviour's childhood through the eyes of Nike and Chaz as you find your way to Christmas. This story will kindle a genuine Spirit of Christmas in your heart and home. You will see the Magi in a vivid new light, and that light, like the star that guided them, will shine on your celebration of Christmas. . .and Easter if you are wise enough. "Jesus, you have visitors." Mary coaxed him out from his shyness as she leaned down, playing with his curly chestnut hair. Jesus grasped two fingers of her graceful hand as she guided him out from behind the skirts of her robe. Jesus had his mother's nose and mouth, but his eyes...Nike had never seen such eyes. The clock is ticking as the Roman Empire faces the great imperium Parthia in an unexpected confrontation. Parthia has sent their kingmakers, the Magi, to find the King of Kings and the wary Romans and murderous tetrarch Herod are watching closely. And at the nexus of these two great superpowers is a child who will change the world.

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