What is the "big picture" in environmental science? Our authors know and effectively communicate it in Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions, Sixth Edition. Whether you view the subject through a scientific, social, political, or historical lens, you'll find the concrete foundations here that work for courses in both environmental science and environmental studies. A systems approach is the connective fabric that makes sense of the wealth of topics and data, which demonstrates how aspects of the natural environment interconnect with each other and with human society. A section on Resource Use and Management introduces the concept of sustainability, and another on Dealing with Environmental Degradation discusses threats to the environment and mitigation strategies. A bonus section available online on Social Solutions to Environmental Concerns, discusses the complex issues impacting the environment and the scientific, technologic, and human behavioral ways to address them. Throughout the text you will find the hard data necessary for a scientific study of the environment and the measured analysis ideal for our time.
Combining evidence-based, contemporary information and data with relevant case studies, practical applications, numerous calculations, and modern references, Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions teaches and engages.