Self Analysis

By L. Ron Hubbard

Self Analysis
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The fact is, up to now the mysteries of the mind have not been fully understood and certainly not with any scientific precision. The fields of mental healing have been prone to "best guesses" while depression and anxiety still have no clear answer--until now.

A simple, easy technique has been developed which allows you to address a range of undesirable emotions, reactions and attitudes toward life. It is by far the easiest and most enjoyable self betterment technique available and most importantly, it works. In fact, it was originally released in 1951 but is still relevant in today's modern age.

Before you begin on your path of self discovery, it's important to gauge your current emotional condition. This next section will show you how.

How to Measure Your Potential for Success
Contrary to popular belief, your youthful and energetic attitude toward life never actually goes away. Rather, it is buried by the physical and emotional pain and stresses of your past.

Each negative incident you run into through life will drive your emotional condition lower, and each success will move it up. When you have too much negativity and not enough success in your past, you wind up deeply depressed and unable to function in life.

The events of the past have an affect on your present emotional state.
By using the Self Analysis program, you will begin to remove this negative energy. Your outlook and happiness will grow as you unburden past emotional trauma and losses.

You also gain a more positive attitude toward yourself and your abilities. Thus, you will get back in control of your life and future, instead of being stuck in the shadows of your past.

With the Self Analysis program, there is a simple and effective technique that anyone can use to systematically relieve the negative emotional energy that has built up in your mind and rise up on the chart. The program is composed of self processing.

What is Self Processing?
The technique we are discussing here is not "positive thinking," brain exercises, meditation or self-hypnosis.

You may have tried some of these techniques before, and even achieved some benefit. But they do not get to the source of the problem--often the gains fade and you find yourself in the same place you started.

It is possible to desensitize the harmful "charge" from incidents in your past. One way this is done is by moving your attention to pleasurable incidents by using the self processing technique below.

Unlike positive affirmations or mantras, your concentration will be in recalling actual incidents in your past. It is remarkably simple to do yet quite powerful.

In addition to discharging the negative emotional effects of the past, your personal abilities can also dramatically increase.

Imagine being able to finally step out of the shadows of the past and into the vibrant light of the present with sharper senses and renewed vigor for life

Begin the Adventure of Self Discovery
How does one go about the self processing technique?
The full regimen and instructions are contained in the book, Self Analysis by L. Ron Hubbard.
L. Ron Hubbard began Self Analysis with these lines:
"Self Analysis cannot revive the dead.
"Self Analysis will not empty insane asylums or stop war. ...
"But Self Analysis will conduct you on the most interesting adventure in your life. The adventure of you."
Self Analysis has sold millions of copies in 50 languages across the globe.
It starts with a series of short essays written in simple terms to get you to fully understand what it is, how it works and how to use the techniques in the book.
Then, there are 12 target areas of your life that the processes cover which you will be able to