The Revival

By Penny Kelly

The Revival
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There is a saying among off-world people that is based on eons of experience and wisdom. It goes: There is no point in trying to change the world. Instead, change the people. They are the ones who make the world. Accompanying this dictum is a matching bit of advice that goes: When a new world is being born, help the people to become new humans.

A new world is being born here, and those who want to survive and thrive will have to become new humans. We cannot do this without deeply assessing who and how we are and what we want our lives to be. The Revival was written to help us walk the path to that new world, hopefully a 4th dimensional system. The paradigm shift now occurring on our planet is one of major proportions, one in which every aspect of life is changing. The task now in front of us will be to come together in conversations, take responsibility for our lives, assess the reality we have been living in for many years, and navigate the changes with our eyes on the future.

We all know that change over time is continuous. We also know that trying to force change is very difficult when things are running smoothly and quietly. It is during periods of upheaval and challenge that windows of opportunity open and old habits and routines come to an end. These are the moments to embrace new structures in every sector of life from food, education, governance, and medicine to science, the arts, technology, and our view of the planet and solar system. These are the times to seize the day, make new decisions, try new things, introduce new thinking, and become a new human living in a new and revitalized reality system on Planet Earth.

The Revival is about taking the opportunity to explore yourself, what you contribute, how you think, what your attitudes and biases are, The goal is to make you more conscious of what we are doing and what we could be doing, must be doing. Join in and become a new human!

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