In Secrets of UFO Technology, Kenneth W. Behrendt (author of The Physics of the Paranormal) reveals some of the conclusions he reached concerning the UFO phenomenon after decades of intensive research. The result is a unique treatment of the subject that is far in advance of what has been generally available to date.
After learning how an extraterrestrial craft negates its normal mass and weight to achieve gravity free, inertialess flight, you'll be ready to take inspection tours of a typical flying saucer and mother ship. During your journey of discovery, you'll also learn how UFOs stall automobiles, how alien craft and their crews can become invisible, how ufonauts levitate themselves for independent flight outside of their craft, and all about the shocking details behind the cattle mutilation cases.
Secrets of UFO Technology is a profusely illustrated work that truly has the potential to revolutionize the science of ufology!