“My Money – My Happiness... How To Finally Have Both”– has been written, in order for you to have a fair chance of making money just like the top one percent of the richest people of the world. So Today is your moment to obtain your long awaited financial blessings that God has promised to You. And although there may come a time when your dreams do not come true, and your hopes of being truly equal with the top one percent are dashed, but that day is Not Today. For Today is Your Day, yes Your Inheritance draws Nigh, and your pot of gold is at your door steps, and all you have to do is open the financial door and reach out and get all the monies that God has for you.
And as you already know, every Man and Woman are empowered and endowed by God to be The Master Of This World. And so I, James Dazouloute, stand in the void that separates Financial Knowledge and Action, so that the two can be united within the contours of your mind, your plans and your dreams. https://www.JamesDazouloute.