Honor takes a huge chance and flees her compound one wintry night. A genetically altered woman, she has no memories from before her kin staged a rebellion seven years before. Because of her enhanced physiology, she finds a home working for the CIA alongside four other women just like her. There are still plenty of rules, but they’re different, and she’s figuring out how to blend in.
Milton Reins burns through women and marriages. After the third one implodes, he swears off hunting for a replacement. Running the CIA is a more than fulltime job. There’s no time for anything else in his life, which is fine until Honor comes along. Training in the gym throws their bodies together, and makes him remember the feel of a woman in his arms. Milton aches for her, but she’s a freak, the CIA term for test tube humans designed by scientists.
Honor wants Milton with every bone in her body, but it’s a terrible idea, especially after she delves into his head and sees his ambivalence toward her kind. Need drives them together, but their differences create roadblocks every step of the way. Fueled by anger and fear, she shuts him out. So what if the sex was great, she’s done.
Or is she?
“HOLY MOTHERSHIP! This is a SPECTACULAR sci-fi/paranormal romance of a book! It is just so...so...SO WOW!!!! I have read a fair number of Ann's books and have enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!” Goodreads review
“Add in enough action to leave you gasping for air, a splash of humor, a shot of mystery, stir in some psychic abilities and finish it off with a dash of romance and you are left with a read that will make you lose all track of time.” Goodreads review
“From page one, I was drawn into Winning Glory by Ann Gimpel. The streets of downtown Seattle came to life right before my eyes, even though I've never visited the city. Detail to description is the mark of a premiere UF author, and Ms. Gimpel doesn't disappoint with book one in her new series.” Goodreads review
“This is a new author for me, I've have never read Ann Gimpel Books before. I have to say I was impressed. This Author is very talented in the way she writes.” Goodreads review
Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy this science fiction romance series:
a kingdom of exiles
a shade of vampire
academy of magic dragon's gift
accidentally in love
attack by magic dragon's gift
awakening dragon
born in fire
burning tower
call of the dragon
choose love
covert fae
crime of magic dragon's gift
crimes against magic
dark stranger the dream
darkness bound
dragons of the darkblood secret society
druid enforcer
goddesss choice
golden age
greyriver shifters
hour of darkness
house of darken
iron and magic
jinn's dominion
junkyard druid
Kate Daniels’ Magic Series
master of magic dragon's gift
natural mage
natural witch
obsidian son
raised in fire
rogues of magic
shadow keeper
shadow kissed
space knight 4
twisted fate
undercover magic dragon's gift
war god's mantle
wheel of time
wild hunger
Keywords related to this science fiction romance series:
Science fiction romance, Genetic Engineering, Military romance, science fiction free, science fiction free e-books, science fiction, fantasy, and horror collection, Animals & Nature, Popular Series, Top Rated Books, Tricks, Fantasy Omnibus, Spells & Charms, Romance Books, Backcountry, Fantasy Romance Books, Essential Reads, Omnibus Bundle, Science Fiction Romance Series, Adventure Books, Mythology and Folklore, Top Rated Science Fiction Collection With Military, Fantasy Bundle, Heroine, Supernatural and Occult, Best Rated Omnibus, Omnibus Collection, SciFi Romance Books.