Clinical Psychology invites students to think like clinical psychologists and develop an integrated sense of how science, experience, ethical behavior, and intuition get woven into our professional identity. Built around typical psychologists and the problems they need to solve, it demonstrates that assessment is much more than testing, and explores how treatment rationales are tailored to the individual problems, histories, and environments of clients. Committed to training future professionals, this text navigates students through the career path of a clinical psychologist and provides guidance on evolving education and training models.
The text uniquely portrays clinical psychology as a modern health care profession that bridges physical and mental health and takes a holistic stance. It treats therapy as a dynamic process that benefits from the cross-fertilization of a range of different approaches. It also provides an international perspective, describing similarities and differences between how clinical psychology is practiced in different countries and contexts. It recognizes that clinical psychology changes as health care systems change, and stresses that training models and practice patterns need to match these changes.
This second edition has been fully revised and reflects DSM-5 and ICD-10-CM guidelines. New and enhanced features include: