The Curie Family

By Harry Henderson

The Curie Family
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Trailblazers in Science and Technology is a 10-volume set that profiles the lives and achievements of scientists whose work has had a major impact on a particular field. The scientist's accomplishments are discussed, including the "trailblazing" principles and personal struggles that complemented his or her work. Employing an array of primary sources-diaries, memoris, letters, and contemporary news accounts-as well as secondary sources, the set depicts the human drama of scientific work, the challenge of research, and the exhilaration and rewards of discovery. Both in late-19th-century Russian-occupied Poland, where opportunities for higher education for women were virtually nonexistent, Marie Sktodowska (later Marie Curie) had little chance of being remembered in the pages of history. Years later, after she and members of her family were awarded three separate Noble Prizes for myriad breakthroughs in the field of radioactivity (the emission of radiation from unstable nuclei), the name Curie is likely never to be forgotten. The Curie Family tells the story of Marie, husband Pierre, daughter Irène, and Irène's husband, Frédéric Joliot, whose achievements include, in Marie and Pierre's case, the discovery of polonium and radium and, in Irène and Frédéric's, the discovery of artificial radioactivity. This book also focuses on Marie's early life in Poland, examining closely the effort she expended and sacrifices she made to become a true trailblazer of science. The Curie Family includes more than 30 color photographs and four-color line illustrations, the Periodic Table of the Elements, a chronology, a glossary, a list of print and Internet resources, and an index. Trailblazers in Science and Technology is an essential set for students, teachers, and general readers that provides a actual look at the lives and accomplishments of prominent scientists. Trailblazers in Science and Technology Set Alfred Blaclock, Helen Toussig, and Vivien Thomas The Curie Family Rosalind Franklin The Leakey Family Edward Lorenz Luc Montagnier Larry Page and Sergey Brin Edward Pickering and His Women "Computers" Nikola Tesla Craig Venter Book jacket.