Literacy Leadership for Grades 5-12

By Rosemarye Taylor, Valerie Doyle Collins

Literacy Leadership for Grades 5-12
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Literacy is the foundation for success in all secondary school courses. If you're a middle or high school administrator, chances are you're looking for a truly effective way to help all your students become better readers, writers, communicators, and learners of standards-based content curriculum. The secret is to combine sound leadership processes with literacy strategies targeted at adolescents. This book shows you how.

Along with clear steps and practical guidelines, you'll find examples, resources, and useful templates to help you analyze your school's current literacy climate and kick-start the development of a new, fail-safe system. Authors Rosemarye Taylor and Valerie Doyle Collins explain how to

  • Find hidden sources of information on which students are learning literacy behaviors and which are not.
  • Identify necessary adjustments to current curriculum, learning tools, and instructional approaches.
  • Set appropriate schoolwide expectations for literacy learning.
  • Incorporate literacy-focused professional development.
  • Create a plan for building future capacity and realizing continuous improvement.

By the end of this book, you'll be ready to launch a program that will turn struggling students into joyful, independent readers and writers and enhance the success of all students in all classes.