The Metamorphosis of Samuel Freeman

By Kent H. Wilcoxson

The Metamorphosis of Samuel Freeman
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It has been suggested that the average human being uses only about 10 percent of the brain's potential capacity for intellectual thought. and that geniuses, such as Leonardeo da Vinci, Albeert Einstien, William Shakespeare, etc. may have accomplished what they did during their lifetimes, thanks to using a few more percentage points of brain function.

Samuel Freeman runs the gamut from about 9 percent to 99 and 44/100 percent brain function in the course of a couple of years. A casualty during "Operation Swift Sward" (United States involvement in a 12-hour war between Oman and the United Arab Emirates- in 2059), a tiny piece of sharpnel embedded in his brain changes the electro-chemical balance and stimulates his intellectual evoulution.

As he evolves to recovery and beyond, he acquires and develops superhuman capabilities- and approaches incipient Godhood. Because he is in the Army, the military, the U.S government and the President (Reverend Jonah Wakker) all have plans to use his paranormal ablities to their own perceived advantage.

However the world in 2060 is in chaos. There is a global recession, the United States and the Confederation of Soviet Socialist States are once again confrontational; global population has exceeded 10 billion; critical resources are in short supply or high priced; environmenal quality is going to Hell; regional wars are in progress and World war III is imminent.

Samuel Freeman, evolving toward the status of Godhood, knows that he is - or will be -capable of making a positive difference in the world. He comes to understand, perhaps better than anyone else, that the Earth is on the brink of destruction - because of the expanding human presence and the destructive nature of man - and is determined to save the human species from itself. How he uses recently acquired intelligence, developing wisdom, and growing paranormal powers to accomplish this lofty goal is the basic story of the Metamophosis of Samuel Freeman.

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